
It is important to us to work proactively to connect students in crisis to professional services. Tutoring is provided at no charge to KSUCPM students who voluntarily request the service or who are referred to Educational Resources by their Instructor. Additionally the Office provides optional course specific study aids designed to support mastery of the material.

Students who do not pass a course exam are highly encouraged to immediately seek help. Prior to attending a tutoring session, students are expected to prepare in the following ways:

  • Attend or Mediasite all lectures and be current in reading assignments
  • Be familiar with the course syllabus and learning objectives
  • Review exam(s) if posted or request an exam review with course director
  • Attend any Faculty led review session and/or office hours
  • Attend any Tutor led Large Group Review Sessions offered
  • Attempt assignments and formulate questions before arriving for a session
  • Arrive promptly or notify tutor 24 hours in advance if re-scheduling

Students wishing to improve their study habits and learning skills often request help in the following areas:

  • Time management
  • Test taking skills
  • Note Taking skills
  • Interpersonal and group communication skills
  • Managing test anxiety
  • Stress Management
  • Health and Wellness

We work collaboratively with Faculty and Staff to continuously improve the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment at KSUCPM. When professional counseling help is needed, you may seek it out independently or utilize KSUCPM’s primary referral source, the  of Case Western Reserve University. For appointments and emergencies call 216-368-2510 and follow the prompts. For medical consultation, you may contact the , or a provider of your choice. For appointments and emergencies call 216-368-2450 and follow the prompts. Strict standards of confidentiality are maintained. Information is only shared with your permission or when compelled to do so by ethical or legal standards.

Office Hours: (Located on the first floor in the Student Affairs hallway)
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Walk ins welcome, or contact Teri Novak for an appointment.

Teri Novak, Academic Program Director

tnovak7@kent.edu, 216-916-7499