Advancing Podiatric Medicine

Discover Podiatric Medicine at KSUCPM

As a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), you’ll make a profound impact on patients’ lives, offering compassionate care and innovative treatment.

Podiatric medicine is a specialized branch of medicine focused on diagnosing, treating and preventing conditions affecting the foot, ankle and related structures of the leg. Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), also known as podiatric physicians, undergo extensive training in both medical and surgical interventions specific to the lower extremities.

Podiatric medicine is considered a gem among medical specialties as the practicing physician is both a clinician and surgeon. After completing four years of preparatory podiatric medical education, the newly graduated DPM will complete a three-year hospital-based surgical residency. From pediatric care to athletes at various levels, from trauma cases to diabetic neuropathy, from conservative treatments to advanced reconstructive surgery, KSUCPM prepares podiatric medical students to excel in diverse healthcare scenarios.

The Journey to Becoming a Podiatric Physician and Surgeon: Inside Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹'s College of Podiatric Medicine

By the Numbers

#19 Best-Paying Jobs US News & World Report
#36 Best Healthcare Jobs US News & World Report
#56 Best STEM Jobs US News & World Report
7,000+ Alumni Worldwide
100% Class of 2024 Match Rate
100+ Years of Educating Lower Extremity Specialists
Arezzo, Italy Month-long Clinical Experience
50 States with Working CPM Graduates

Empowering Future Physicians

Stories That Inspire

  • At Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University College of Podiatric Medicine (KSUCPM), we take immense pride in educating and inspiring future leaders in the medical specialty of podiatric medicine and surgery.

  • At Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University College of Podiatric Medicine (KSUCPM), we are proud to celebrate our graduates who are making a difference in the world of healthcare. One shining example is Dr. Alton Johnson...

  • Á½ÐÔÉ«Îçҹ’s College of Podiatric proudly boasts many trailblazers. One shining example is Dr. Nick Campitelli, a leader in podiatric medicine and a social media influencer passionate about transforming lives through innovative care.

  • As you stand at the crossroads of your medical career, weighing specialties and envisioning the kind of impact you want to have, I want to share a story that might inspire your journey.

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