Loans for Disadvantage Students

Health Professions Assistance Loans and Loans for Disadvantaged Students

Health Professions Assistance Loans (HPSL) and Loans for Disadvantage Students (LDS) are loan programs for disadvantaged students administered through Health and Human Services (HHS). 

Parent income and asset information must be reported on the HPSL Application, even if a student is an independent student. Although all graduate students are considered independent according to the need analysis formula in Title IV of the Higher Education Act, institutions still must take parents' information into account for the purpose of awarding HPSL funds. This requirement cannot be waived. In cases where the parents refuse to provide income information, an affidavit documenting such a refusal cannot be accepted in lieu of the required information. Unless the parents are deceased, a student who does not provide parental income information may not be considered for HPSL funds

  • Health Profession Student Loan (HPSL) is a low-interest loan for students with exceptional financial need. 
  • HPSL Loans are made with government funds through the school’s financial aid office and the school acts as the lender (similar to your Perkins Loan). 
  • Must be U.S. or Permanent Resident
  • Be enrolled FULL TIME (8 credits or more)
  • Must demonstrate Financial Need
  • Must provide parental income information
  • Complete the attached Application Form

Loan Terms

  • Subsidized during school; 5% during repayment
  • There are no loan fees
  • Award amounts depend on financial need (EFC) and funding availability
  • Grace period is 12 months with up to ten years to repay

To determine if you are eligible, you must include your Parent information on the FAFSA –  (you have the availability to import this information directly from the IRS) and complete the Application for Disadvantage Programs.