Year of Science
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University College of Arts and Sciences is celebrating a Year of Science!
Researchers from Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University’s Department of Geology have been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study diversity, evolution and extinction in crabs, lobsters, and shrimps. The $100,000, two-year grant will fund the study of this economically…
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Researchers Awarded National Science Foundation Grant
Researchers from Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University’s Department of Geology have been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study diversity, evolution and extinction in crabs, lobsters, and shrimps. The $100,000, two-year grant will fund the study of this economically…Dr. Gerald Thompkins was recently honored as a Distinguished Alumni at Indiana University for his great impact on STEM education.
Dr. Gerald Thompkins honored as Distinguished Alumni
Dr. Gerald Thompkins was recently honored as a Distinguished Alumni at Indiana University for his great impact on STEM education. .The NASA Ohio Space Grant Consortium is now accepting scholarship applications for their undergraduate program. Do you meet the scholarship eligibility criteria? Please take a moment to review the attached application materials. If you have any questions about the program,…
NASA Ohio Space Grant Consortium accepting Scholarship Applications
The NASA Ohio Space Grant Consortium is now accepting scholarship applications for their undergraduate program. Do you meet the scholarship eligibility criteria? Please take a moment to review the attached application materials. If you have any questions about the program,…Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University presents a lecture by Frédéric Brenner, a contemporary French photographer documenting the lives of the Jewish community, on Monday, Oct. 29, at 7 p.m. in the Kent Student Center Kiva. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Brenner is best known for…
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Presents World-Renowned Photographer Frédéric Brenner, Oct. 29
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University presents a lecture by Frédéric Brenner, a contemporary French photographer documenting the lives of the Jewish community, on Monday, Oct. 29, at 7 p.m. in the Kent Student Center Kiva. The lecture is free and open to the public. Brenner is best known for…Professor Seed was informed of his award during a surprise classroom visit on Tuesday, October 9, 2012. Representatives from the Alumni Association, College of Arts and Sciences, and fellow faculty in Chemistry & Biochemistry interrupted his Basic Organic Chemistry 1 class…
Professor Seed Wins Distinguished Teaching Award
Professor Seed was informed of his award during a surprise classroom visit on Tuesday, October 9, 2012. Representatives from the Alumni Association, College of Arts and Sciences, and fellow faculty in Chemistry & Biochemistry interrupted his Basic Organic Chemistry 1 class…Todd Diacon, Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University senior vice president for academic affairs and provost, today announced new leadership appointments in the Division of Academic Affairs. The Division of Academic Affairs is responsible for all academic programs at the university, including all…
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Provost Announces New Appointments
Todd Diacon, Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University senior vice president for academic affairs and provost, today announced new leadership appointments in the Division of Academic Affairs. The Division of Academic Affairs is responsible for all academic programs at the university, including all…Professors Jennifer McDonough (PI) and Ernie Freeman (PI) (Department of Biological Sciences) together with Professor Roger Gregory (co-PI) (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) have been awarded a two-year, $398,682 grant from the National Institutes of Health to support…
NIH Grant Awarded for Multiple Sclerosis Research
Professors Jennifer McDonough (PI) and Ernie Freeman (PI) (Department of Biological Sciences) together with Professor Roger Gregory (co-PI) (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) have been awarded a two-year, $398,682 grant from the National Institutes of Health to support…MONDAY, OCT. 29, 2012
Frédéric Brenner- Encounters With a World-Renowned Photographer
MONDAY, OCT. 29, 2012Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University will host a seminar by Harvard Chemistry Professor George M. Whitesides at the Kent Student Center, Kiva on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. The seminar, Simplicity as a Component of Invention is free and open to all faculty members, staff, students,…
Whitesides Seminar Scheduled for Oct. 9
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University will host a seminar by Harvard Chemistry Professor George M. Whitesides at the Kent Student Center, Kiva on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. The seminar, Simplicity as a Component of Invention is free and open to all faculty members, staff, students,…Come hear Dr. Joshua Stacher give his unique insight into the fascinating world of .
Thursday, October 4, 2012 | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. | FREE
Hors d’oeuvres, beer and…