

The School of Art offers 11 different minors: Arts Entrepreneurship, Accessories, Art History, Ceramics, Drawing, Glass, Jewelry/Metals/Enameling, Painting, Print Media and Photography, Sculpture and Expanded Media, and Textiles.

The minor in Arts Entrepreneurship is offered through the College of the Arts and requires credits including courses through the College of Business. Arts Entrepreneurship is a mindset, a creative way of looking at opportunities, a passion, doing what one loves, a challenge, persistence and operating a business whether one owns it or not. The Arts Entrepreneurship interdisciplinary minor exposes students to that mindset and develops skills that can be applied to creating a new arts enterprise or developing opportunities for the individual artist.

The minor in Art History is comprised of credits including survey courses, plus an additional credits in upper-division art history courses.

Art History Minor

The minor in Accessories offers students an opportunity to focus on the design and production of innovative and unique objects within the studio areas of jewelry/metals/enameling and textiles, leading to the development of functional, decorative and wearable forms. 

Accessories Minor

The minor in a Studio Art concentration, which includes Ceramics, Drawing, Glass, Jewelry/Metals/Enameling, Painting, Print Media and Photography, Sculpture and Expanded Media and Textiles, requires the student to complete credits in Studio Electives with credits of upper-division courses in their established discipline.  

Ceramics Minor   Drawing Minor  Glass Minor  Jewelry Minor   Painting Minor   Print & Photo Minor   Sculpture Minor   Textiles Minor

To add a minor to your official transcript and for more information, contact Academic Advisor, Maria Robertson at mrobert9@kent.edu or 330-672-1363.