
Before You Apply

Before applying to CCP, take time to think about your plans and goals. Talk with your school counselor and teachers about your level of preparation and the ways you can earn college credit while in high school. Research your future major and career goals to determine what options will serve you best. Think carefully about your choices so that you can make a positive impact on your future!


  • Successful students typically have two years of high school level college prep coursework completed.

  • Students should be responsible, independent, open-minded and mature with the ability to manage high-level, rigorous material at a fast pace.

  • The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.


  • What classes do I still need in order to graduate from high school? What college courses can I take to fulfill these high school requirements?

  • How does my high school define full-time enrollment? How many classes between the high school and the college must I take to be eligible for sports?

  • How are College Credit Plus credits and grades applied to my high school transcript? (i.e. weighted, not weighted, credit hours to Carnegie unit conversion) Do College Credit Plus courses taken above and beyond my high school graduation requirements factor into my high school grade point average?

  • For what reasons would I have to reimburse my high school for the cost of my College Credit Plus courses?

  • What are my options for meeting my high school requirements if I fail a College Credit Plus course?

  • Do you believe I am ready for the academic and social challenges of college-level courses? What do you recommend as an appropriate number of college courses for me? 


  • How will I get to and from campus, especially when the weather is bad?

  • Can I take classes earlier or later than normal school hours?

  • Will I be working or participating in extracurricular activities, and will I have time for the more rigorous demands of college-level courses?

  • Am I ready to accept the responsibility and independence that the college classroom demands? Will I participate actively in class and attend regularly?

  • Do I possess the social and emotional maturity necessary to engage in classes designed for and attended by adult students?

  • Am I comfortable with the 鈥渁cademic freedom鈥 granted to college professors to choose course materials, create their own grading scale, establish classroom policies, etc.?

  • Am I prepared to keep my family informed of my academic progress since the university will not do that for me?

  • Am I comfortable with the impact my College Credit Plus grades will have on my high school grade point average, future scholarship opportunities and college admission? Am I comfortable with the grades I earn as a College Credit Plus student being used to determine admission into selective or competitive majors?

  • How will I pay for failed or withdrawn classes?

  • If I am concerned about transferring College Credit Plus credits to another university, when should I contact or visit that university to discuss transfer?

  • Do I understand the college credit hours I earn now will be taken into consideration when determining my academic progress and eligibility for federal financial aid programs?


Melissa Crites, CCP Coordinator
330-339-3391 | macrites@kent.edu