IN A FLASH: ‘BEE’ on the Lookout
A Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ researcher is asking Flashes to "BEE" on the lookout for bees on the Kent Campus. She would like people to capture photos of the bees and then send them to her for use in a research project.
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Today

Duck, Duck, Goose! How Waterfowl Impact the Health of Wetlands
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ researchers are studying how the presence of waterfowl contributes to the health of wetland ecosystems.
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Today

Tiny Insects Play a Big Role in Forest Recovery
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ researchers are studying the ways that insects help in the recovery of forests.
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Today

IN A FLASH: Everybody Wave to the Drone!
Young explorers participating in the Bioblitz event had an opportunity to learn about how drones can help ecology efforts.
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Today

Investigating Nature at Bioblitz 2023
Bioblitz is an annual Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ event that invites anyone to explore nature and collect data alongside a faculty expert.
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Today

Environmental Justice, Ecology and Race
Issues concerning environmentalism and race will be explored at the 2023 ESDRI Symposium, April 13-14, at Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Today