
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Biology Professor Recognized With Distinguished Teaching Award
Some professors excel by giving students the most up-to-date information. Some excel by genuinely caring about students’ success.

Video: The School of Art at Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹
Recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of America’s top 100 graduate programs in the visual arts, Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University's School of Art provides endless opportunities for undergraduates delving into studio art, art history and art education.

Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Ashtabula and A-Tech Create New Pathway Toward Technology Careers
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University at Ashtabula and Ashtabula County Technical and Career Campus (A-Tech) have solidified their relationship with bilateral articulation agreements.

2017 Diversity Awards Presented During Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ University presented awards for outstanding contributions toward diversity at the 15th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration.