
Adult Gerontology CNS Clinical Rotation Descriptions

It is a requirement for accreditation that each preceptor working with a student in an APRN concentration have at least 1 year of clinical experience in the population-focused area of practice and role prior to providing clinical supervision (i.e., precepting).  

It is a recommendation that the preceptor-to-student ratio is 1:2 if the preceptor is not seeing his/her own patients and 1:1 if the preceptor is seeing his/her own patients.

Spring Semester

NURS 60110 Adult Gerontology CNS I Seminar
NURS 61192 Adult Gerontology CNS I Practicum

NURS 60110 Course Description: Introduction to the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) role with adults and older adults experiencing common health and illness conditions. The focus is on developing a foundation for evidence-based, patient-centered advanced nursing care, including teaching/coaching and identification and management of symptoms, functional problems and risk behaviors. The scientific and theoretical basis for interventions to achieve clinical outcomes in health promotion and illness care for adults and older persons across the care continuum are explored. This course is taken concurrently with NURS 61192 for clinical application.

NURS 61192 Course Description: Clinical practicum of 150 hours with application of principles of clinical nurse specialist (CNS) practice introduced in NURS 60110. The student acquires direct care CNS competencies in specialty practice with adults and older adults in a variety of health care settings in consultation with faculty and a clinical preceptor. 

NURS 60110 Course Objectives

  1. Establish a knowledge base of the clinical nurse specialist role for practice in a specialty area.
  2. Analyze and apply clinical practice standards and competencies of clinical nurse specialist practice in planning, delivering and evaluating interventions for adults and older persons.
  3. Develop strategies for translating evidence-based guidelines for health promotion and disease/illness care for adults and older persons in community and health care settings.
  4. Examine role of culture, cognition, and function in health and illness for adults and older adults.

NURS 61192 Course Objectives

  1. Acquire advanced practice nursing competencies introduced in NURS 60110 across healthcare settings for health promotion and common health and illness conditions in adult and gerontological populations.
  2. Develop, implement and evaluate evidence-based plans of care for a caseload of patients in specialty practice and/or reflecting conditions introduced in NURS 60110.

Ideal clinical site:

150 hours in an acute care or ambulatory setting with a CNS preceptor. If the CNS does not function in a direct care role (assessing, diagnosing, prescribing and formulating a treatment plan) for approximately 50% of their time, the student shall secure a second preceptor (CNS, NP or physician) who functions as a direct care provider for a minimum of 75 of the 150 hours.

Fall Semester

NURS 60210 Adult Gerontology CNS II Seminar
NURS 62192 Adult Gerontology CNS II Practicum

NURS 60210 Course Description: Application and further development of the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) role introduced in NURS 60110, with continued emphasis on direct care competencies for adults and older adults experiencing common health and illness conditions in a variety of settings. Evaluation of care outcomes including quality and safety are examined. This course is taken concurrently with NURS 62192 for clinical application.

NURS 62192 Course Description: Clinical practicum of 225 hours with application of principles of clinical nurse specialist (CNS) practice introduced in NURS 60210. The student acquires direct care CNS competencies in specialty practice with adults and older adults in a variety of health care settings in consultation with faculty and a clinical preceptor. 

NURS 60210 Course Objectives

  1. Expand development of CNS direct care competencies introduced in NURS 60110 related to evidence-based assessment and intervention for health promotion and common health and illness conditions in adult and gerontological populations.
  2. Integrate principles of screening and measurement in identifying age-appropriate, valid and reliable clinical assessment tools for health and illness conditions experienced by adults and older adults.
  3. Analyze and apply a framework for analysis of individual and aggregate patient outcomes based on benchmarks and standards in nursing and healthcare.

NURS 62192 Course Objectives

  1. Acquire advanced practice nursing competencies introduced in NURS 60210 across healthcare settings for health promotion and common health and illness conditions in adult and gerontological populations.
  2. Develop, implement and evaluate evidence-based plans of care for a caseload of patients in specialty practice and/or reflecting conditions introduced in NURS 60210.
  3. Apply quality and safety principles across the continuum of adult/gerontological healthcare settings.
  4. Discuss strategies for improving patient outcomes and reducing barriers to health care delivery. 

Ideal clinical site:

225 hours in an acute care setting with a CNS preceptor who functions in all 3 spheres of influence with the opportunity to work on a quality improvement project. If the CNS does not function in a direct care role (assessing, diagnosing, prescribing and formulating a treatment plan) at least 50% of their time, the student shall secure a second preceptor (CNS, NP or physician) who functions as a direct care provider for a minimum of 50 of the 225 hours.

Spring Semester

NURS 60310 Adult Gerontology CNS III Seminar
NURS 63192 Adult Gerontology CNS III Practicum

NURS 60310 Course Description: Development of clinical nurse specialist (CNS) competencies in the organizational sphere of influence, including analysis of health promotion and care delivery models and their impact on patient health and organizational outcomes. CNS leadership competencies involving consultation, mentoring, coaching, role modeling and education with the interdisciplinary health care team are developed. Strategies for developing and evaluating programs of care based on analysis of professional standards, clinical outcomes and cost effectiveness are addressed. This course is taken concurrently with NURS 63192 for clinical application.

NURS 63192 Course Description: Clinical practicum of 150 hours with application of principles of clinical nurse specialist (CNS) practice introduced in NURS 60310. The student acquires CNS systems and leadership competencies in specialty practice with adults and older adults in a variety of health care settings in consultation with faculty and a clinical preceptor. 

NURS 60310 Course Objectives

  1. Develop CNS leadership competencies, including consultation, program development and evaluation, and interdisciplinary collaboration, to promote organizational effectiveness in delivery of care to adults and older adults.
  2. Compare models of health promotion and care delivery for a variety of adult and older adult populations across settings.
  3. Evaluate strategies for reducing barriers to health care delivery and improving adult and older adult health outcomes.
  4. Develop and implement a plan for professional development as a CNS post-graduation.

NURS 63192 Course Objective

  • Acquire CNS leadership competencies introduced in NURS 60310 within healthcare settings and systems for adult and gerontological populations.

Ideal clinical site:

150 hours in an acute care or other appropriate setting with a CNS preceptor whose focus is on the nursing and system/organizational spheres of influence. It should provide the opportunity for an evidence-based practice project to be developed and carried out.

NOTE: To maximize learning opportunities, students should plan to complete their practicum experiences in at least 2 different clinical agencies for the 3 CNS courses. Selection of clinical agencies and preceptors is a mutual process among student, faculty, and preceptor, with final approval by faculty