Suggested RTP File Contents

Faculty must prepare an electronic file for reappointment using the University approved system.  When applying for tenure and/or promotion, the candidate must prepare two (2) portfolios; one (1) for tenure, and one (1) for promotion.  Specific timetables are disseminated annually from the Office of the Provost.  Use reverse chronology in all items, both regarding your curriculum vita and the portfolio contents.  Suggestions to streamline and clarify the process for Faculty at the Tuscarawas Campus are offered below.

*   Write a narrative which includes information regarding your years in rank; a summary of your academic unit’s expectations; an overview of scholarly activities, teaching accomplishments and university citizenship, both on-campus and beyond; and future plans. (2-3 pages are suggested)

*   Include an updated curriculum vitae.

*   List the courses you’ve taught each semester.

*  Ensure all reappointment/tenure letters from the Faculty Chair, the Campus Dean, the department chair/school director, independent college dean, the Provost and, if relevant, the President of the University are added by the Dean’s Office.

*   Present course syllabi for the past academic year, but also include those for the semester of filing.  (Narratives regarding the candidate’s pedagogical philosophy may warrant adding prior syllabi to indicate changes and/or future plans.)

Note: Faculty who participate in a team-teaching setting such as nursing, for example, should indicate those arrangements and only include data relevant to their portion of the course/s.  Faculty should offer overviews, not daily lesson plans.  Again, remember that Faculty outside your field need to understand your discipline.  Be reviewer-friendly.  If you are teaching a web-based or distance-learning course or employing other distance/distributed learning technologies, clarify your situation.

*    Add sample course materials as appropriate.

*    Offer summaries of Student Surveys of Instruction (SSI) results (cumulative) as well as copies of individual SSI’s for the current year which contain written comments.  (Another option is to have a member of the RTP Committee verify your typed transcription of those statements.)  Note: Those undergoing their first-year review are exempt from this requirement.

*    Seek class observations and written, annual peer review(s), ideally conducted by senior Faculty in your discipline or a related area.  These peer reviews should be included in your portfolio.

*    Explain the credentials or the professional stature of any person whose name you use as a reference/evaluator.  When discussing grant applications or research, mention external reviewers’ comments, citations of your work by others, and/or publications, as applicable.

*    Seek advice from your mentor and colleagues, and review the files of others who have attained tenure and promotion in your discipline in the Regional Campuses System.

*    Ensure the Tuscarawas Campus’s Weighting Criteria and your Dept/school/independent college criteria are included in your portfolio.  Also, consider both the Campus criteria and the criteria your department/school/independent college, as applicable, in the preparation of your portfolio.