EHHS Living-Learning Community

Leadership. Service. Citizenship.

The mission of the Education, Health, and Human Services Living-Learning Community is to enhance and support students' academic, professional, and personal growth through meaningful interactions with faculty, staff, and peers.  The EHHS-LLC is dedicated to fostering leadership, service, citizenship and academic success through co-curricular experiences.

Furthermore, national studies indicate that participating in a themed residence hall community such as the EHHS-LC has a positive influence on student success.  In fact, students perform better in classes and feel more connected to peers, faculty, and the university community. 

How do I get involved?

If you are about to begin your first year and have an interest in living in the EHHS-LLC, select the EHHS-LLC on your housing application.  Once you select this option, you will be emailed with a link to an online application that will provide details about the first semester course options reserved for EHHS-LLC students, information about LLC events, programs and resources.

Where will I live?

EHHS-LLC students will live in Manchester Hall. Certain rooms in Manchester Hall are reserved for students who join the EHHS-LLC.

Benefits of Participating in the EHHS Living-Learning Community

  • Build relationships with like-minded students
    • EHHS-LLC students will live and learn with students who share common interests.  Living together, taking classes and supporting each other during the first year can provide EHHS-LLC students the opportunity to build relationships that can have lasting personal and professional benefits.
  • Interactions with faculty and academic coaches outside the classroom
    • Students will have the opportunity to interact with faculty in an informal, non-academic setting. 
    • Students will have opportunities to work with an academic coach as an additional support throughout their first year..
  • Co-registered courses
    • In the 1st semester, EHHS-LLC students will be co-registered in at least one course (e.g.  NUTR 23511, THEA 11000), their Flashes 101 course and any major specific courses required in their first semester.
    • In the 2nd semester, EHHS-LLC students can be co-registered in a Kent Core course or a major specific course.
  • Easy access to academic support services
    • Manchester is the closest residence hall to the University Library and Student Center
    • The Writing Commons is housed in the University Library
    • Drop-In Math and Chemistry tutoring is offered in Manchester Hall, at the University Library and other locations at various times throughout the week 
  • Career development and networking opportunities
    • Throughout the year, EHHS-LLC students will have the opportunity to learn about their career field through volunteer and service-learning experiences.
    • EHHS-LLC students will have opportunities to meet alumni and visit community partners (schools, agencies, businesses, etc.) to gain insight into various careers.


The convenience of close proximity

EHHS-LLC students live in Manchester Hall, an all freshmen hall, located in the center of campus.  This central location makes Manchester Hall the closest residence hall to the University Library and Kent Student Center. This is an ideal location for first-year students whose classes are held in various buildings across campus.  Manchester Hall is also attached to the Eastway Center which houses the "all-you-care-to-eat" Eastway Dining Hall, Eastway Market & Deli, as well as space to gather or study.

Who can I contact for more information?

For more information about the Education, Health, and Human Services Living-Learning Community, please contact Julie Wilcox at 330.672.0556 or jwilcox@kent.edu.