Mary Ann Parris Stephens
Department of Psychological Sciences
Professor Emeritus
Research Area:
Psychological Science - Social
Dr. Stephens is currently serving as Dean of Graduate Studies, and will not be accepting new students this year.
Research Interests:
Stress and coping theories guide my research on social relationships and chronic illness. Interests focus on effects of family interactions on adjustment to illness, as well as effects of illness on family caregivers. Of special interest are social support and social control (social influence) as ways married couples cope with illness.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Graduate program review
- Graduate program development
- General Graduate Studies administration
- Graduate School Catalog
- Regents Advisory Committee on Graduate Studies
- Educational Policy Committee
- Graduate enrollment management
- Graduate programs services administration
- Stephens, M. A. P., Franks, M. M., Rook, K. S., Iida, M., Hemphill, R. C. & Salem, J.K. (in press). Spouses' attempts to regulate day-to-day dietary adherence among patients with type 2 diabetes. Health Psychology.
- Khan, C. M., Stephens, M. A. P., Franks, M. M., Rook, K. S. & Salem, J. K. (2013). Influences of spousal support and control on diabetes management through physical activity. Health Psychology, 32(7), 739-747.
- Hemphill, R. C., Stephens, M. A. P., Franks, M. M., & Rook, K. S. (2013). Older adults' belief about the timeline of type 2 diabetes and adherence to dietary regimens. Psychology & Health, 28, 139-153.
- Iida, M., Stephens, M. A. P., Franks, M. M., & Rook, K. S. (2013). Daily symptoms, distress and interaction quality among couples coping with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30, 293-300.
- Martire, L. M., Stephens, M. A., Mogle, J., Schulz, R., Brach, J., & Keefe, F. J. (2013). Daily spousal influence on physical activity in knee osteoarthritis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45(2), 213-223.
- Franks, M. M., Hemphill, R. C., Seidel, A. J., Stephens, M. A. P., Rook, K. S., & Salem, J. K. (2012). Setbacks in diet adherence and emotional distress: A study of older patients with type 2 diabetes and their spouses. Aging & Mental Health, 16(7), 902-910.
- Martire, L. M., Stephens, M. A. P., & Schultz, R. (2011). Independence centrality as a moderator of the effects of spousal support on patient well-being and physical functioning. Health Psychology, 30, 651-655.
- Stephens, M. A. P., Rook, K. S., Franks, M. M., Khan, C. M., Iida, M. (2010). Spouses use of social control to improve diabetic patients' dietary adherence. Families, Systems and Health, 28, 199-208.
- Iida, M., Stephens, M. A. P., Rook, K. S., Franks, M. M., & Salem, J. K. (2010). When the going gets tough, does support get going? Determinants of spousal support provision to type 2 diabetic patients. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 780-791.
- Stephens, M. A. P., Fekete, E. M., Franks, M. M., Rook, K. S., Druley, J. A., & Greene, K. (2009). Spouses' use of pressure an persuasion to promote osteoarthritis patients' medical adherence after orthopedic surgery. Health Psychology, 28, 48-55.
Ph.D., University of Houston (1980)