
Strategic Priorities and Accomplishments

Priorities that Spark Thought and Guide Us

As part of our mission to continually improve and evolve, we have identified eight priority areas critical to our goal of creating a high-touch, exceptional learning experience for all. A brighter future lies ahead as these pathways become more defined and reflective of our brilliant university community. Each step taken is one in the right direction on  The Golden Road to Student Success.


Community Engagement

  • Launched a Mapping Tool (aplu.kent.edu) to document ɫҹ’s local, regional, and global impact in talent, place, and innovation, aligned with Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities (APLU)-designated Innovation and Economic Prosperity (IEP) categories.

Developing and Recognizing Our People

  • Established a Faculty Recruitment and Community Engagement Liaison position to enhance recruitment, strengthen community ties, and improve faculty retention.

Student Success

  • Launched Flashes 101 (revised FYE curriculum) system-wide in Fall 2023, enhancing students' sense of belonging and persistence to Spring 2024.

Engaging Our World Beyond the Campus

  • Advanced the Global Endowment Fund and provided $700,000 in study abroad scholarships for 2023, with additional funds committed for 2024-2025.

Expanding Breakthrough Research and Creative Activity

  • Developed mentorship infrastructure through programs like the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE), showcasing over 325 student research projects and increasing post-docs and non-faculty researchers from 20 in 2021 to 51 in 2023.

Fostering Lifelong Learning

  • Expanded credit and non-credit learning experiences, with several new micro-credentials approved and additional offerings pending Educational Policy Council approval.

Securing Our Financial Future

  • Became a Tech Cred provider, engaging over 2,600 participants in professional development and generating nearly $100,000 in revenue through specialized programs.

Academic Excellence

  • Enhanced inclusive teaching practices with 50 Student Belonging Faculty Incentive awards, fostering equitable learning through syllabus and course policy revisions.