
4 - 11.201

Operational procedures and regulations regarding the registration of student organizations

  1. Purpose. A student group wishing to register will complete a registration form and submit this information to the Center for Student Involvement.
  2. Procedures.
    1. Review. While this review is in process, the requesting group may schedule space for a maximum of two organizational meetings or informational activities pending official registration status.
    2. Notice. A center for student involvement staff member will determine if the information and registration materials fulfill requirements for registration and will make notification of the results within fifteen calendar days.
    3. Renewal. Registration is subject to annual renewal through submission of the updated information during the first four weeks of the fall term. Additionally, the center of student involvement must be notified any time during an academic year when new officers are elected.
    4. Affiliate members. The organization's constitution must state whether the organization accepts affiliate members. The center for student involvement provides relevant policies regarding affiliate membership to all student organizations as defined in paragraph (B)(2) of rule 3342-4-11.2 of the Administrative Code.
  3. Denial and rescission. Registration may be denied or rescinded for the following reasons by the center for student involvement:
    1. If any member (student or affiliate) places the organization in violation of the administrative policy regarding the registration of student organizations;
    2. If the proposed organization illegally discriminates against those seeking membership;
    3. If the organization fails to complete the registration process by the end of the fourth week of the fall term or by a later date set by a designee from the center for student involvement;
    4. If the organization has a university account with a deficit balance and has not made an adequate attempt to rectify the situation;
    5. If the organization no longer desires official registration status;
    6. If the organization has been responsible for violations of university policy.
    7. If the organization does not have a primary advisor as recognized by the university.
  4. Loss of Registration. Decisions regarding loss of registration will be made by administrative review and/or the student conduct process as outlined in rule 3342-4-02.1 of the Administrative Code.
    1. Loss of registration rescinds all privileges granted to a registered student organization. Members wishing to regain registered status must reinitiate the entire procedure outlined above. Renewal of registration is not guaranteed; evidence must be presented in reference to current chances for success of the organization.
  5. Student organizations and conduct process. The university is committed to the belief that students have a right to organize and participate in groups whose purposes center on the interests and goals of the individuals involved. Resolution of a student organization issue pertaining to an alleged violation of university policy will be addressed through the student conduct process. To make a formal complaint, a person with direct information about a student organization may go through a law enforcement agency, the center for student involvement designee, or the office of student conduct. The formal complaint process is outlined below. An informal complaint may be considered through the student ombuds, student mediation services as provided for in rule 3342-4-02.1(I) of the Administrative Code, or the dean of students.
    1. The dean of students may refer the information to the vice president for student affairs (or designee) to initiate an interim action as provided for in rule 3342-4-02.1 of the Administrative Code at any time prior to, during, or after an allegation of inappropriate behavior involving a student or student organization.
    2. The dean of students may initiate an investigation based on allegations of inappropriate behavior (not addressed through the all-university hearing board as provided for in the university undergraduate student government charter codified as rule 3342-2-08 of the Administrative Code) by appointing an investigation committee. The investigation committee may be composed of faculty, staff, and/or students who do not have a conflict of interest with the student organization(s) under review. The investigation committee may ask any persons who they believe may have information regarding the alleged inappropriate behavior (student, non-students, advisors, etc.) to participate in the investigation process.
    3. The investigation committee will review to determine if the alleged inappropriate behavior may be in violation of university policies or procedures or may be detrimental or disruptive to the university community and/or prohibited by federal, state, or local laws or ordinances. On the basis of the information gathered through the investigation and by a preponderance of the evidence, the investigation committee will make a recommendation to the dean of students.
    4. The dean of students may choose to take one or more of the following actions:
      1. Refer for adjudication through the office of student conduct.
      2. Refer to the all-university hearing board within the jurisdiction provided.
      3. In accordance with this rule, the dean of student may authorize stipulations for non-conduct-related issues.
      4. End the investigation with no stipulations or formal referrals.
    5. A student organization and its officers and membership may be held collectively and individually responsible when violations of the code of student conduct by the organization, or it members take place. The dean of students may forward a student organization and/or individual members of a student organization alleged to have violated university rules, regulations, or policies to the office of student conduct for adjudication. If a student organization is forwarded to the office of student conduct for adjudication, minimally the president and vice president (or equivalent executive positions) are considered representatives of the student organization, and will be provided notice for participation in the student conduct process.
    6. Disciplinary hearings for student groups or organizations follow this rule.
  6. Any decision rendered under an appeal of an administrative action under this policy may be brought before the vice president for student affairs, or designee, within 10 business days of the decision. Any decision from an appeal shall be final.


This policy formerly numbered 3342-4-01.201.

Policy Effective Date:
May 30, 2017
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 9/11/1979, 1/25/1980, 6/25/1989, 5/24/1995, 2/28/1997, 4/21/1997, 9/26/2005, 6/1/2007, 3/1/2015, 8/3/2015, 11/1/2016