4 - 02.102

Operational policy regarding general nonacademic grievance procedure for students

  1. Purpose.  The purpose of the general nonacademic grievance procedure for students is to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all students, eliminate unlawful discrimination and unwarranted dissatisfaction, and resolve problems that occur in the nonacademic area so that constructive educational and developmental relationships can be maintained.  This policy does not apply to internal university processes and procedures that already have an established and written grievance or appeal process.  However, this policy may be utilized when the student believes that such processes and/or procedures as written were not followed.
  2. Procedural standards.
    1. Level one.  The immediate supervisor.
      1. The aggrieved student will bring the situation to the attention of the immediate supervisor of the aggrieving staff member within ten business days of its occurrence, explaining the nature of the problem and proposing a solution.
      2. After being verbally informed of the grievance, the supervisor will investigate and provide a solution or an explanation to the student within five business days.
      3. In the event the supervisor fails to respond to the grievance within five business days or if the student is not satisfied with the response, the student may proceed to level two of the grievance process.
    2. Level two.  The department/unit director.
      1. If the answer or settlement provided by the supervisor to the student does not resolve the grievance, the student will be allowed five business days to refer the problem in writing to the appropriate department/unit director.
      2. The student may also consult with the student ombuds to obtain advice in preparing the written presentation of the grievance.
      3. The department/unit director will provide a response to the student grievant within five business days of the department/unit director's receipt of the written presentation of the grievance.
      4. In the event the department/unit director fails to respond to the grievance within five business days or if the student is not satisfied with the response, the student may proceed to level three of the grievance process.
    3. Level three.  The vice president for student affairs.
      1. If the student grievant is dissatisfied with the solution provided by the department/unit director, the student will have an additional five business days to appeal the grievance in writing to the vice president for student affairs.  Upon receipt of the written appeal, the vice president for student affairs, or designee, will determine if levels one and two were appropriately followed and, if so, will: 
        1. Seek further clarification of the grievance from the student
        2. Seek further clarification of the grievance from the department/unit director.
        3. If necessary, schedule a meeting among the student, the department/unit director, and the vice president for student affairs, or designee. The vice president for student affairs, or designee, will record all proceedings of the meeting and may provide participants with a copy of the meeting summary upon request.
      2. If upon review under paragraph (B)(3)(a) of this rule, the vice president for student affairs, or designee, determines that levels one and two were not appropriately followed, they may remand the matter back to the appropriate level to ensure the correct process is followed.
    4. After careful consideration of all relevant facts and consultation with the appropriate vice president if the grievance involves a department/unit in a division other than the division of student affairs, but within five business days of the conclusion of the steps provided for in paragraphs (B)(3)(a)(i) to (B)(3)(a)(iii) of this rule, the vice president for student affairs, or designee, will render a final and binding decision in writing to the student and department/unit director.
Policy Effective Date:
May 30, 2017
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
8/1/1983, 6/21/1995, 5/28/1997, 6/1/2007, 01/01/2015, 3/1/2015