Faculty Grades Processing

Find answers to common questions about grade processing, from entering and submitting grades to handling special cases and making corrections.

Grade Entry and Submission

How Do I Submit Grades?

I Am A Faculty Member, Where Do I Enter Grades?

Faculty will use FlashFAST to enter their midterm and final grades. To access Midterm and Final Grades, log into FlashLine and click on the Faculty & Advisors Category / Faculty Dashboard / Grading Resources Section.

Faculty can access the Grade Push application within FlashLine through the Faculty & Advisors Category / Faculty Dashboard / Grading Resources Section. The application is designed to allow for all grades in a section to be pushed from Canvas to either the Final Grades roster or the Midterm Grades roster at once.  The Grade Push User Information may be accessed at  by searching "Grade Push."


How Do I Enter My Grades?

  1. Look for the Grading Resources Section, accessible from your Faculty & Advisor Category / Faculty Dashboard in FlashLine.
    • Select Final Grades link. (If you are posting midterm grades, select Midterm Grades.)
    • Select the Term.
    • Select the CRN for the course to be graded.
    • Enter your grades by selecting the appropriate grades from the pull down list of approved grades for the course. For security reasons, a time-out will occur after 60 minutes of inactivity. Then, click the Submit button. You should see the following message:
      Check Box The changes you made were saved successfully.


  1. Access the Grade Push Application in the Grading Resources Section, accessible from your Faculty & Advisor Category / Faculty Dashboard in FlashLine.
    • The Grade Push Application is designed to allow for all grades in a section to be pushed from Canvas to either the Final Grades roster or  Midterm Grades roster at once.  The Grade Push Application will be active during the final or midterm grading window of your course sections. A midterm evaluation grade is completed between the fourth and seventh week for all students in lower-division undergraduate courses (levels 00000, 10000, 20000).
    • Grade Push User Information is available at by searching "Grade Push."

 I Have More Than 25 Students In My Class, How Do I Get To The Next Page Of Students To Grade?

Only 25 students are listed on a page. You must click the corresponding Record Set in order to get to the next page of students to grade. Always click Submit before going to the next page.

When Do I Submit Grades?

When Can I Start Entering Grades?

Access grades processing deadlines for a term (for full term, parts of term and open learning) by clicking on the Grades Processing Deadlines link in your Faculty & Advisors Category / Faculty Dashboard / Grading Resources Section in FlashLine. Then, click on the appropriate Faculty Midterm and Final Grades Submission Deadlines by Term to view grades processing dates.


When Should I Submit My Midterm Grades?

A midterm evaluation grade is completed between the fourth and seventh week for all students in lower-division undergraduate courses (levels 00000, 10000, 20000). Midterm grades are not included as part of the students' academic transcript.


Do I Have to Enter My Grades At The Same Time?

No. Grades may be entered in FlashFAST across multiple days until the close of the grading period. In order to save the grades you entered, you must click the Submit button before leaving the page. See the appropriate Faculty Midterm and Final Grades Submission Deadlines by Term to view grades processing dates.

Grading Resources and Grade Push Application FAQs

What Is the Grading Resources Section?

The Grading Resources Section on the Faculty Dashboard in the Faculty & Advisors Category in Flashline is a shortcut to the grading forms in all of your assigned course sections. 


What Is the Grade Push Application?

The Grade Push Application is designed to allow for all grades in a section to be pushed from Canvas to either the Final Grades roster or the Midterm Grades roster at once.  The Grade Push Application will be active during the final or midterm grading window of your course sections.  You can access the Grade Push Application within FlashLine through the Faculty & Advisors Category / Faculty Dashboard / Grading Resources Section.  Grade Push User Information is available at by searching "Grade Push."

How Can I Tell If My Grades Were Accepted?

The following message will display after you click the Submit button on the Final or Midterm Grades page:
Check Box The changes you made were saved successfully.

Where Can I View The Grades I Posted?

You can view midterm and/or final grades on the Summary Class List page in FlashFAST by selecting the appropriate term and CRN once grades have been submitted.

NOTE: The grades on the Summary Class List only reflect grades entered during the grades processing period and will not display grades processed through the Grade Change Workflow.

Once I Submit My Grades, When Will They Be Available To Students?

Final grades are reported at the close of each academic term (or part of term) and become a part of the student's permanent record. Students may check their current term final grades by logging into FlashLine and clicking on the Student Category / Resources Page / Grades and Transcripts Section to access the link to View Final Grades for the Current Term.

Grades Changes and Corrections

Can I Make Change To My Final Grades After They Are Submitted?

Grades may be entered or changed until the close of the grading period. See the appropriate Faculty Final Grades Submission Deadlines by Term to view grades processing dates. After the grading period closes, faculty must use the Grade Change Workflow to submit a change to their final grades.

NOTE: If the instructor is trying to submit a grade change the day after the grading deadline for a course, the Grade Change Workflow may not be available for use. There is a delay between the time that the grading window is turned off and when grades are officially rolled to academic history. If you are unable to submit a grade change request, please try again the next day.

I Misssed The Grades Processing Deadline To Enter My Grades. How Do I Issue Grades For My Students Now?

For Final grades, instructors must use the Grade Change Workflow to issue grades for students after the grade processing period is closed. The Grade Change Workflow is accessible from your Faculty & Advisors Category / Faculty Dashboard / Faculty Workflows Section in FlashLine. Consult the  or the full  for directions for the workflow.

NOTE: If instructors are trying to submit a grade change the day after the grading deadline for a course, the Grade Change Workflow may not be available for use. There is a delay between the time that the grading window is turned off and when grades are officially rolled to academic history. If you are unable to submit a grade change request, please try again the next day.

For Midterm grades, instructors should inform their students individually regarding their midterm grades. Midterm grades are not posted to the students’ academic record; therefore, the Grade Change Workflow is not used to post midterm grades.

Special Circumstances

What Are NF And SF Administrative Marks?

What Are NF And SF Administrative Marks?

The NF (Never Attended-Fail) administrative mark denotes that the student never attended one class session nor did the student formally withdraw from the course. The NF administrative mark will count as an F (zero quality points) in computing grade point averages and will not count towards the calculation of time status (full-time, three-quarter time, etc). The administrative mark of NF can only be entered via the Academic Engagement Verification Roster by marking a student as "Not Started" and cannot be updated via the midterm or the final grade rosters.  Students who are not currently enrolled or are not gradable (including students who have dropped, have withdrawn, or are auditing the course) will not have their final or midterm updated by the AEV.

The SF (Stopped Attending-Fail) administrative mark denotes that the student stopped attending the course and did not formally withdraw. The SF administrative mark will count as an F (zero quality points) in computing grade point averages and will not count towards the calculation of time status (full-time, three-quarter time, etc).  The SF administrative mark must be accompanied by a date of last attendance in the course. Faculty who cannot determine the exact date of last attendance may use the date of the last academic activity in which students participated. The SF can only be entered via the midterm and/or final grade rosters.  Students who have received the SF administrative mark will not lose their access to Canvas.

NOTE: When an SF administrative mark and a Last Attend Date are entered, the following message will display after your click Submit, "The student has not withdrawn from the course." This message is only informational and will not prevent the grades you assigned from posting.

*A course receiving the AU, NF or SF mark is not applied toward a student's course load for financial aid and other purpose

What Grade Should A Student That Never Attended My Class Receive?

The NF (Never Attended-Fail) administrative mark denotes that the student never attended one class session nor did the student formally withdraw from the course. The NF administrative mark will count as an F (zero quality points) in computing grade point averages and will not count towards the calculation of time status (full-time, three-quarter time, etc). The administrative mark of NF can only be entered via the Academic Engagement Verification Roster by marking a student as "Not Started" and cannot be updated via the midterm or the final grade rosters.  Students who are not currently enrolled or are not gradable (including students who have dropped, have withdrawn, or are auditing the course) will not have their final or midterm updated by the AEV.

What Grade Should A Student That Stopped Attending My Class Receive?

The SF (Stopped Attending-Fail) administrative mark denotes that the student stopped attending the course and did not formally withdraw. The SF administrative mark will count as an F (zero quality points) in computing grade point averages and will not count towards the calculation of time status (full-time, three-quarter time, etc).  The SF administrative mark must be accompanied by a date of last attendance in the course. Faculty who cannot determine the exact date of last attendance may use the date of the last academic activity in which students participated. The SF can only be entered via the midterm and/or final grade rosters.  Students who have received the SF administrative mark will not lose their access to Canvas.

How Do I Give Grades To Students Who Have Been Attending My Class But Are Not On My Grade Roster in FlashFAST?

Students who are not officially registered for a course by published University deadlines should not be attending classes and will not receive credit or a grade for the course.

What If The Student Is Receiving An Incomplete Grade?

The instructor must create and submit an Incomplete Mark contract via the new workflow. Instructors are no longer able to select the incomplete mark (IB+, IC+, IC-, etc.) from the final grade roster in FlashFAST (Self-Service Banner). The primary instructor must initiate and submit the contract using the new workflow process, which mimics the old paper process. Once the contract has been accepted by the student and approved by the department chair/campus dean, the student's grade will be updated automatically. The primary instructor will be able to initiate and submit the contract for a student after the deadline to withdraw (10th week of a regularly scheduled section in fall and spring, or prorated for flexibly scheduled sections) through the end of final grading. For more detailed information on the Incomplete Mark Workflow process, please see Incomplete Mark Workflow.

Please be reminded that the "Incomplete" or "In Progress (IP)" marks are not valid midterm grades.

For more detailed information on the Incomplete grade policy please see the .

What Grades Do I Give For Thesis, Dissertation Or Research Courses?

During the grades processing period, faculty should issue IP (In Progress) grades for their students who are not graduating.

What Do I Enter In The Attend Hours Field?

No entry is necessary in the Attend Hours field.

Help - I Still Need Assistance!


If you have any problems accessing FlashFAST or need technical assistance, please contact the HELP desk at 330-672-HELP (4357) or via the .

If you have questions about submitting your grades, contact the Office of the University Registrar at 330-672-3131.