
Understanding Power and Control in Interpersonal Relationships: A Course for Educators, Counselors and Social Workers

Online Workshop:

Understanding Power and Control in Interpersonal Relationships: A Course for Educators, Counselors and Social Workers

This course has been developed for professionals to enhance their ability to recognize power inequalities and the effects of coercion and force in the context of trust-based relationships. The effects of trauma and disassociated coercion in battering relationships, domestic violence, and child abuse will be explored, as well as models of collaborative and balanced power in interpersonal relationships. Participants will be provided with information designed to enable them to develop individualized screening and assessment plans.

Required Textbook: None

  • 2 graduate credit hours: CES 50093

Dr. Jennifer Maxwell, Instructor, LDES


For specific workshop dates, CRNs, and registration information, visit the main credit workshop page then click on the semester you are looking for.