Steven Rugare
Steve Rugare has been a full-time assistant professor in CAED since 2009. In addition to teaching introductory courses in architectural history, he teaches urban history and theory at the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative (CUDC) and the upper-division courses in architectural history and theory. He has also coordinated the Master of Urban Design capstone project at the CUDC.
Before 2009, Steve was a full-time member of the CUDC professional staff, managing competitions, coordinating events, and doing editing and graphic design. With Terry Schwarz, he edited the first two volumes of the CUDC's Urban Infill journal. He has advised the Cleveland Design Competition since its inception. Steve Rugare's primary research focus is modernism in the communicative and planning context of world's expositions. This work - drawing on a wide interdisciplinary background in political theory, philosophy, art history, cultural studies, and intellectual history - will result in a book with the working title Modernism's Exposition.
- Exposing the Third Rome: Planning Strategies for the 1911 Exposition | International Planning History Society | July 2014
- The Temporality of Style in Exposition Architecture: Raimondo d'Aronco in Context and Comparison | Architectural Research Centers Consortium | February 2014
- Mirages of Permanence: The Dream of a World Museum and the Paradoxes of the Exposition Project | Modernities Across Time and Space | Savannah College of Art and Design Conference | February 2013