International/Education Abroad Advising

Where do I get information about studying abroad?

The Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship has an International Programs Office (room 300E BSA), where advisors are available to help students with education abroad opportunities.  Visit the college’s education abroad webpage for more information about business study abroad programs. Additionally, you can find general information on study abroad and search through the variety of study away opportunities on the University’s Education Abroad page.

Utilize one of the following academic advising services for assistance with education abroad questions: 

  • Schedule an Advising Appointment with KSU Navigate. KSU Navigate is a student success platform designed to empower you to achieve your personal goals and academic success. KSU Navigate allows you to schedule and check in for advising appointments. This platform replaces the process previously used. KSU Navigate is available to students and staff via browser or the app store (Android and iOS).
    • Visit the KSU Navigate website to get started.
      • Download the KSU Navigate app for iOS or Android.
      • Access KSU Navigate on your mobile device or on a web browser.
    • On the kent.edu/ksunavigate website, you can view:
      • How do I get started and get the app
      • How do I use this new tool (Video to get the app and schedule an appointment)
  • Attend Education Abroad Drop-in Advising hours – visit our main advising services page for current hours.
What if I have immigration issues or need a letter for my country?

The Office of Global Education will help you with immigration issues in International Students and Scholars Services (ISSS).  You may contact this office at or visit in person in 106 Van Campen Hall.  If you need a letter for your cultural mission or embassy, contact Stacie Ansley at sansley@kent.edu.