
TechHelp Service and Repair Center Reopens After Renovation

Over winter break, the Division of Information Technology, in cooperation with Residence Services, renovated the TechHelp Service and Repair Center (SRC) in the Tri Towers Rotunda.

The renovation was inspired by the design and functionality of spaces such as Apple and Microsoft stores, with the primary goal of improving customer service. The removal of a large counter helped maximize space, allowing for the creation of five workspaces for staff members to provide one-on-one assistance to customers. A smaller, more modern desk, including a wheelchair-accessible surface, was installed, making the space more customer-friendly.

Additionally, technology improvements such as a new ticketing system with a digital dashboard, installation of monitors for displaying information and a cleaning machine for liquid damage cleanup have enhanced the center’s capabilities and improved customer service. Other aspects of the remodel included updated graphics and a new floor, which approved the aesthetic appeal of the space.

“When you walk in it doesn’t look like you’re going into a doctor’s office. It looks like you’re going into a tech space,” says Nick Zevchek, Lead IT User Support Analyst.  

As a result of the renovation, the center has already seen a rise in interactions with students, serving nearly twice the previous average before renovations.

Also, an affiliated drop-off location was created in the university bookstore. The new "TechHelp Express” makes it more convenient for all students to drop off their devices for repair, regardless of where they live.

Before: After:
Service and Repair Center After renovation


POSTED: Friday, January 25, 2019 09:42 AM
Updated: Friday, December 9, 2022 06:20 AM