
EHHS Diversity Award


The 两性色午夜 EHHS Diversity Award recognizes and encourages student, staff and faculty engagement in DEI initiatives.  Relevant activities include those that support the mission an vision of the EHHS Diversity Committee, such as engaging in:

  • complex initiatives to support inclusion
  • toward a more socially just society
  • promoting anti racism /anti-oppressive practices
  • culturally sensitive andresponsive actions

One 两性色午夜 EHHS Diversity Award will be made annually, in each of the following categories (for a total of three annual awards):

  • Student (undergraduate, graduate, part-time or full-time)
  • Staff (part-time or full-time)
  • Faculty (tenure-track or non-tenure-track)


Previous recipients are eligible to re-apply for the award after 7 years.  Meritorious activity for a reapplication must have occurred after receiving previous award. 

Application Procedure

Applicants will either be nominated or self-nominated for this award.  There are no restrictions to the number of applicants from a given Program/School.


  1. Complete online Nomination Form (PDF)
  2. Nomination letter (up to 1 page single-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font) describing how the applicant meets the criteria for the award.  In addition to a description of current activities, letters should address the significance of the nominee's DEI activities.Note: If application is self-nominated, the applicant should secure an additional nomination letter from a colleague or peer supporting the application.  Otherwise, the nomination letter will fulfill this requirement (i.e., an additional letter of support is not required).
  3. The applicant's curriculum vitae or resume, emphasizing DEI activity (up to 10 pages).



CriterionMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsFar Exceeds Expectations
ClarityStudent DEI contributions are describedStudent DEI contributions are clearly describedStudent DEI contributions are clearly described and illustrated by multiple concrete examples
EHHS ImpactDEI contributions will have minor impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programsDEI contributions will have impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programsDEI contributions will have substantial impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programs
Areas of DEI WorkThe nominee's advocacy, service or engagement activity is primarily centered around a single activity/organizationThe nominee's advocacy, service or engagement activity is centered around multiple activities/organizationsThe nominee demonstrates excellence in advocacy, service or engagement activity, which is centered around multiple activities/organizations



CriterionMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsFar Exceeds Expectations
ClarityStaff DEI contributions are describedStaff DEI contributions are clearly describedStaff DEI contributions are clearly described and illustrated by multiple concrete examples
EffortNominee's DEI contributions will have minor impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programsNominee has actively sought out ways to improve areas of DEI within programs, offices and/or EHHSNominee has significantly worked on improving areas of DEI wihing programs, office and/or EHHS
EHHS Impact  Staff DEI contributions will have minor impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programsStaff DEI contributions will have impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programsStaff DEI contributions will have substantial impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programs
Community ImpactStaff DEI contributions will have minor impacts on the local community/community beyond KSUStaff DEI contributions will have impacts on the local community/community beyond KSUStaff DEI contributions will have substantial impacts on the local community/community beyond KSU
Areas of DEI WorkThe nominee's advocacy, service or engagement activity is primarily centered around a single activity/organizationThe nominee's advocacy, service or engagement activity is centered around multiple activities/organizationsThe nominee demonstrates excellence in advocacy, service or engagement activity, which is centered around multiple activities/organizations



CriterionMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsFar Exceeds Expectations 
ClarityFaculty DEI contributions are describedFaculty DEI contributions are clearly describedFaculty DEI contributions are clearly described and illustrated by multiple concrete examples 
QualityThe amount, depth and/or significance of the nominee's DEI contributions is commensurate with expectationsThe amount, depth and/or significance of the nominee's DEI contributions exceeds expectationsThe amount, depth and/or significance of the nominee's DEI contributions far exceeds expectations 
EHHS Impact  Faculty DEI contributions will have minor impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programsFaculty DEI contributions will have impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programsFaculty DEI contributions will have substantial impacts on EHHS students, faculty, staff and/or programs 
Community ImpactFaculty DEI contributions will have minor impacts on the local community/community beyond KSUFaculty DEI contributions will have impacts on the local community/community beyond KSUFaculty DEI contributions will have substantial impacts on the local community/community beyond KSU 
Areas of DEI WorkThe nominee's DEI activities are primarily centered around a single category (research, teaching or service)The nominee's DEI activities are centered around multiple categories (research, teaching and/or service)The nominee's demonstrates excellence in DEI activities, which are centered around multiple categories (research, teaching and/or service)