
University Libraries Faculty Workload

University Libraries faculty accomplish their work through a combination of supervisory direction, collegial interaction, and self-direction. While the pattern of a library faculty member’s professional activity may vary from individual to individual, from week to week, and from semester to semester, their effort is focused on:
⦁    Three areas of educational mission: 1. librarianship, 2. scholarship and 3. service activities (TT) or
⦁    Two areas of educational mission: 1. librarianship and 2. professional development and service activities (FTNTT).

The faculty handbook of University Libraries asserts that “Of the three areas of duty, librarianship (job performance) is the most important.” 

1.1 Librarianship
The faculty handbook of University Libraries states that “Librarianship stands in place of teaching in University Libraries.”

Librarianship broadly encompasses duties and activities that comprise the professional practice of librarianship conducted by library faculty members to support and serve the success of the students, faculty, staff, and community members they serve. Traditionally these include activities related to collections and resources, information technology, teaching and curriculum development, research on behalf of the library or other university units, public service, and research assistance.

University Libraries organizes these duties into four categories (examples may be requested):

1. Functional and Programmatic Duties 
2. Public Service Duties
3. Collection Service Duties
4. Coordination, Planning and Assessment Duties  

1.2 Scholarship
Tenure-track Faculty in University Libraries are expected to engage in scholarship, including but not limited to academic or professional contributions or activities such as publications, editorial work, bibliographies, conference presentations, and research projects. 

Full-time non-tenure track faculty in University Libraries are not expected to engage in scholarship. FTNTT faculty who engage in scholarship do so outside of normal work duties. Such efforts may be considered as professional development with appropriate rationale from the faculty member. 

1.3 Service Activities
Service activities should be broadly understood to include service to the University, Library, and the profession. This includes participation in university, faculty, and library committees that are not directly related to the faculty member’s librarianship assignment or area of expertise, professional associations (local, national, and international), and community associations.

2. University Libraries Faculty Workload

Typical Workloads for University Libraries faculty

A.    All UL faculty work on a 12-month contract. Most functions encompassed in a UL faculty member's workload must be carried on year-round, as a prime library function is to serve the university community whenever service is needed. 

B.    Librarianship is the most important aspect of workload for UL faculty and stands in place of teaching load.

C.    UL faculty workload is the equivalent of carrying a full course and advising load every term, including summers, breaks and intersessions.

As such, UL faculty consider their workloads in terms of percentages of effort. Librarian effort approximates the time dedicated to the discharge of their duties during a normal semester. The normal percentages for UL faculty members in their key areas of responsibility are as follows:






80% (9.6 credit hours)

20% (2.4 credit hours)

Full-Time Non-Tenure-Track

100% (15 credit hours)


Within UL, T/TT Faculty will be assigned 9.6 credit hours of librarianship per academic semester and 2.4 credit hours of scholarship. They are still expected to participate in service; however, service (unless an off-load is given) is not reflected in the workload statement. 

Within UL, FTNTT faculty will be assigned 15 credit hours of librarianship per academic semester.  
At the discretion of the supervising administrator with the dean’s approval, these normal percentages can be altered to provide an additional workload assignment for research, specific service assignments, and special administrative assignments. These changes would typically be considered off-loads from the librarianship category.