

Faculty performance evaluations will take place annually according to the following procedures. These guidelines are also recommended for use by library faculty on the Regional Campuses, recognizing that evaluations would go to the appropriate Regional Campus Dean.  Faculty with administrative contracts will be required to follow the guidelines of the university administration. 

The rating period will be July 1st to June 30th each year. The process begins when each faculty member, in consultation with his or her immediate supervisor, develops a set of objectives based on the performance standards for the position and departmental objectives. These objectives should be completed by September 1. 

At the close of the rating period, the faculty member will complete a two part self-evaluation of his or her progress toward the objectives and the attainment of performance standards for the position. Part one is a self-evaluation of objectives which will take the form of a personal narrative (between 500-1500 words) that addresses progress toward achievement of each of the objectives and may include discussion of other significant work accomplishments for the year.  For part two, progress in achieving performance standards will be evaluated through completion of a separate checklist with comments on the major areas of responsibility (see example below). The narrative and the checklist/comments on performance standards will be forwarded to the supervisor by June 30. 

The supervisor will write a narrative evaluation (between 500-1000 words) of the faculty member informed by the self-evaluation materials and other relevant information by August 1.

By September 1 the supervisor will meet with the faculty member to review the evaluation written by the supervisor and to review the faculty member's performance standards and job description.  The faculty member will have the opportunity to add comments to the supervisor's evaluation.  This evaluation form must be signed by both the faculty member and the supervisor.  A list of the performances standards for the position will be attached to the evaluation (but not with any checklist/comments).  The signed evaluation will be forwarded to the appropriate Associate or Assistant Dean of UL or Regional Campus Dean. The faculty member's self-evaluation and checklist/comments will be returned to the faculty member at this time.

This entire process must be completed by September 1.  The timetable may need to be adapted for new hires.

This evaluation, but not the faculty member's self-evaluation or checklist/comments, will become a part of the faculty member's personnel file. When applicable the evaluation will be a part of the faculty member's reappointment, tenure, promotion, or third year review file.


Sample Review Year

July 1, 2007 - June 20, 2008

Objectives for the new year written by

September 1, 2007

Faculty self evalution (narrative and checklist) written by

June 30, 2008

Supervisor's narrative evaluation written by

August 1, 2008

Supervisor and faculty member meet and review/sign supervisor's evaluation and send it to A&A Dean by

September 1, 2008


Duties & Responsibilities

Performance Standards

Area for growth or improvement

Standard met

Area of strength

Comments (optional)

1.1 Provide direct reference services, including through daily, evening, and weekend desk duty, office hours, and in response to individual inquiries in person and through phone and mail.

1.1.1 Be approachable (i.e., ready to engage patrons, acknowledge patron, maintain eye contact).






1.1.2 Communicate effectively through listening and inquiring (i.e., allow patron to state need, clarify, avoid jargon, respond objectively).





Revisions approved at Special UL Faculty meeting on 4/2/07.

Revised and Approved by the University Libraries Faculty, 5/8/13