

a. By October 1st of each year, the Dean shall notify all eligible NTT UL faculty members of their eligibility for promotion.

b. Eligible NTT faculty members shall notify the Dean within two weeks of receipt of the notice of eligibility whether or not they intend to stand for promotion.

c. The eligible NTT faculty member shall submit the promotion file by the second week of the spring semester.

d. The Dean shall review the file with the candidate in order to ensure that the file is complete and shall prepare a statement indicating that the file is complete. Both the candidate and the Dean shall sign the completed file statement.

e. In accordance with the provisions of the CBA, Addendum D, Section 2, during each fall semester, the Dean of UL shall initiate and oversee the appointment of a Non-Tenure Track Promotion Advisory Board (NPAB). The NPAB shall be made up of all full-time, NTT UL faculty members at all campuses who have successfully completed one annual performance evaluation and who are not standing for promotion during the upcoming academic year. The NPAB must have at least three members. In the event that there are not enough eligible UL NTT faculty members to form the NPAB, NTT faculty members from outside UL will be asked to serve. The Dean of UL shall serve as chair of the NPAB and as a non-voting member.

f. NPAB Review: The Dean shall convene the NPAB to evaluate the applications for promotion and lead a candid discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates. All review and discussion shall be confidential. Each candidate for promotion will be evaluated independently, without regard to the record of other candidates. Each voting member of the NPAB shall indicate on a signed ballot either to recommend or not recommend the candidate for promotion, along with written comments.  Approval of a simple majority is needed for a positive recommendation of promotion. The vote shall be recorded by the Dean or his or her authorized representative.

g. UL Dean Review: The NPAB recommendation shall be forwarded to the Dean, who shall review the recommendation of the NPAB. The Dean shall then forward his/ her recommendation to the Provost, with a copy to the candidate and the unit administrator.  In the event of an unfavorable recommendation by the Dean, the candidate may file a written appeal with the Provost within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Dean's recommendation.

h. Provost's Assessment and Determination: The Provost shall review the recommendation of the Dean on each application for promotion, and shall make a final assessment and determination on each.  Each bargaining unit member who applies for promotion shall be notified of the decision on the application no later than the last day of the spring semester in which the promotion application was submitted.

  1. In the case of a positive decision, the President shall notify the candidate.

In the case of a negative decision by the Provost, the Provost shall notify the candidate. Such notification shall inform the candidate that he or she may appeal the decision of the Provost to the President within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Provost's written decision.