
Faculty Workload Assignment Principles

All faculty workloads shall be made available to all University Libraries faculty and the College Advisory Committee (CAC), for review and discussion.

According to the FTNTT Collective Bargaining Agreement, “each FTNTT faculty member shall receive a statement of his/her specific workload assignment at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the semester”.

According to the TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, “normally, this individual workload statement should be provided to the Faculty member no later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the academic semester preceding the semester for which the workload is assigned”. 

For University Libraries, the 30 days prior to the end of the preceding semester applies to the summer as well.

Workload is assigned by the dean in collaboration with the supervising assistant or associate dean. Library faculty will have the opportunity to discuss with the dean and their supervising assistant or associate dean the distribution of their duties, considering the operational needs of University Libraries, the faculty member’s need for adequate time to fulfill the principal areas of educational mission, and the skills and expertise of the faculty member. 

Workload assignments developed through consultation shall strive to align with the agreed upon departmental, library and university goals to help fulfill the mission of the libraries and university. 

Formal workload consultations with individual faculty members will happen at least once a year; however, at the discretion of the faculty member or the dean, consultations may occur as often as needed. 

The workload assignment for library faculty will vary according to their assigned duties and collegially determined activities. Responsibilities and goals for librarians will be discussed and determined in the collegial process of consultation that occurs between each librarian, their supervising assistant or associate dean and the dean. 

Librarian workloads shall include considerations of reasonable comparability amongst librarians with similar duties in other units, with recognition of the diversity of duties across the library faculty. 

University Library faculty and administrators are committed to facilitating ongoing informal discussion to assist in prioritizing and balancing tasks and duties within workload assignments. 

When assigning FTNTT faculty workload, the faculty member’s performance review will be taken into consideration.  When assigning tenured Faculty workload, the Faculty member’s workload summary report will be taken into consideration. When assigning pre-tenured Faculty workload, the Faculty member’s annual job performance evaluation will be taken into consideration. 

Faculty will acknowledge that their workloads have been assigned by an email response to the University Library Dean’s office.