
Assessing Service

A candidate is expected to participate in service which may include contributions to University Libraries, as a University citizen, to the profession, and of library expertise to the community. The merits of the candidate's service should be evaluated as to the role of the candidate, the importance of the service to the entity served, and on the extent of effort associated with the activity.

Consideration will be given to candidates with administrative appointments, who have fewer opportunities to participate on UL governance bodies as described.

To be successful for tenure a candidate should have achieved a level of with "Good" or "Excellent" according to the following rubric.



Accomplishments Corresponding to the Assessment


Established leadership across multiple service roles.

Record of consistent significant contribution on UL and University committees. Leadership roles in UL or University citizenship activities, such as committees. Leadership roles in professional service activities at the local, state, regional, national, or international level. Consistent record of effective performance and participation regardless of specific role.


Well-developed and consistent record of service.

Record of consistent contribution on UL and University committees. Active roles in professional service activities at the local, state, regional, national, or international level. Record of effective performance and participation regardless of specific role.


Poor or negligible record of service.

Few or no UL or University service activities. Little professional service activity at the local, state, regional, national, or international level. Ineffective performance and participation.