Evaluation of University Service

Faculty under review for tenure shall have a record of substantial University service, particularly in the Department (and, when appropriate, the Regional Campus).  University service comprises activities not necessarily tied to one’s special field of knowledge but which make significant positive contributions to the advancement of the educational, scholarly, and governance goals and missions of the University, College, campus, unit, or community.  Service may be demonstrated in a variety of ways, such as serving on and chairing committees, advising students, serving on advisory boards, and engaging in service-related grant activities.  Service will be evaluated not only in terms of quantity but of quality.

Table 3. Assessment of University Service for Promotion and Tenure

Service Assessment

Examples of Accomplishments Corresponding to the Assessment Score

Exceeds obligations

Significant role in Department, Campus College and/ or University as evidenced by productive service on committees, active participation in significant events, effectively  chairing committees, specific administrative assignments, meaningful public outreach

Meets obligations

Meets the minimal Department/Campus obligations of service on Departmental, Campus, and University Committees

Does not meet obligations

Fails to fulfill committee and other formal service obligations