Terms of Employment

Authorization of Absence
College and University policies govern all absences by faculty members. It is understood that a faculty member will meet classes at the time scheduled unless some satisfactory alternative arrangement has been authorized.  Faculty members who will be absent from campus for professional or personal reasons must file, in the Department, the Faculty Absence Authorization Form.

   a.    Sick Leave
The University provides paid sick leave for faculty members. All faculty members meeting the conditions for sick leave and unable to meet their classes shall notify the Chair so that arrangements for their classes can be made and records updated.  A formal request for utilization of sick leave will be prepared by the faculty member and submitted to the Chair as soon as possible.

   b.    Pregnancy Leave
The Department follows the University policy regarding pregnancy leave.

   c.    Travel
The Department encourages faculty participation in regional, national, and international conferences and other outside professional activities. Faculty members must file, in the Department, a Faculty Absence Authorization/Expenditure Estimate prior to the activity.  Arrangements for any classes to be missed must have the approval of the Chair.  Upon returning from an approved professional activity, the faculty member desiring reimbursement must file a Travel Expense Reimbursement Request.  Within the limits set by the availability of Department travel funds, the amount of reimbursement for incurred professional expenses is determined at the discretion of the Chair and by the travel regulations of the University and College.  Faculty members are strongly encouraged to seek travel funds from outside the Department.

2.    Leaves of Absence/Sabbaticals

Requests for leave are subject to approval by the Chair, the Dean of the College and the Provost.

   a.    Research Leave
Special research leaves may be authorized by the University.

   b.    Leaves of Absence without Pay
Faculty members may request a leave of absence for a legitimate professional or personal reason.  Such leaves may vary from one semester to one year in length. Leaves of absence involve no compensation from the University and such time on leave does not count toward meeting promotion and tenure time limits. Requests for leaves of absence should be initiated in accordance with provisions of University policy.
   c.    Faculty Professional Improvement Leave
Faculty Professional Improvement Leaves are available to qualified faculty when authorized by the University. Faculty taking such a leave receive all or part of their salary (depending on the length of the leave) and full benefits.  Taking a Faculty Professional Improvement Leave creates an obligation to return to the University and teach for a period specified by University policy.  Since the purpose of a Faculty Professional Improvement Leave is to allow faculty to improve professional knowledge and skills, faculty requesting such a leave are expected to submit a detailed proposal indicating how this is to be accomplished and a report following conclusion of the leave.